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Thursday, January 31, 2013


I'm still making some changes to my blog design so bare with me a little longer... Still new to blogging and designing so will be playing around with the fonts and colours till I'm happy with it.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I just wanted to clarify that indeed I DID make a valentine themed "Never Ending Card" like I promised... In fact I made two of them. I've been busy over the weekend and haven't had time to take pictures of them. I was thinking of adding a video to show how the card opens up over and over again :) It's always nicer seeing it in action then flat in a picture. I shall try and bother my husband to take a video for me sometime tonight or tomorrow. Patience, it will be posted soon so come back and visite my blog!! :D


Sunday, January 27, 2013


This weekend I felt like making different styles of cards that weren't my usual style. 
I recently bought a new book from Chapters on card making.. Loved it.
So... I decided to pick one card, get inspired by it and create one of my own.
This was the outcome :) I will post more pictures on how I made them.. soon..


The book from Chapters.. pricey but soo worth it!

This was the card I choose to inspire making a card.. I took a picture of the page of the book...

My work space and my new toys!!

My work space for this weekends projects (heehee) and some of my new purchased toys..
Note.. yes that is my dining room table that I took over.. mouhaha.. and don't you just love our purple wall!!! Please disregard our zebra print carpet haha.. we have had that carpet for a while and the dog loves laying on it so we cant seem to throw it out.. so tacky but keeps my toes warm while I work LOL :P

Playing around with my new Stamp and toys..

Got this new stamp from Michael's for $3.00. 
I was playing around with it to see what I could come up with..


Wedding Anniversary Present: Part 2

1 Year Wedding Anniversary Present for My Husband
Part 2


I added a thick layer of  Glossy Accents to the entire front of the card. Before doing so, I added shimmer to the words and I also distressed the edges of each word. I was trying to make it manly but still pretty haha. The glossy accents really tied it all together and gives it a smooth finish feel and look. Note I should have waited at least a day or couple hours for the ink to set before adding the gloss over it.. at parts you can see the ink didn't mix too well... Bah I'm still happy with the finish product. I have to admit this project took me days to complete. Also note that my printer started running out of ink and it's also not aligned properly so it printed my pictures with lines going threw them.. 

To give you all a bit of inspiration, I decided to post a couple pictures and sentences I wrote for my husband.. Aww eh! He's pretty amazing and i'm a lucky lady ;)

Wedding Anniversary Present: Part 1

A present I made for my Husband for our 1 year wedding anniversary. We got married January 21st 2012.  
Part 1

I wanted to make something special for my husband for our one year wedding anniversary. I wanted to make something small that we could keep forever. So I came up with this idea..
A deck of cards and I added 60 things I love about being his wife (during our first year of marriage). 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Never Ending Card- YouTube Video Tutorial

Hey bloggers!!

This weekend I will be creating more of these fun Infinity 'or' Never Ending Cards. They are so fun to play with and I've gotten great feedback from my 3 friends who I've sent these out to by mail. (Check out my older posts to see the 3 cards I've created.. they were ''friendship inspired theme''). I've decided, on my days off (this weekend Sat-Sun wohoo) I will be creating a Valentine's day themed card. I wanted to make sure I had all the right measurements before making a blog of my step-by-step card making process so figured I would just post this video I found on youtube because this lady describes the steps so clearly and really shows just how simple it is to make. 

Video is from:Robin Messenheimer '''' 

Instead of showing this part in my step-by-step, I will focus on ideas to decorate it!!!! More my type of thing haha. So if this is a card you'd like to attempt, check out this video and then fallow my blog for inspiration on decorating it. 

P.S. For valentine's day theme I suggest using either WHITE, PINK, RED or BLACK cardstock as the background colour so that the items you add on will really stick out more. (like the red and pink tones). You'll soon see what I  mean. I will try to make two different cards so you will be able to compare and see what you like better before trying it out yourself. 

See you this weekend!!!
Happy Scrapping :)
Nadine xox

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Making Changes to my blog..

Good morning bloggers!

Just a little heads up.. I'm playing around with the layouts and backgrounds of my blog for the next couple days. Please bare with me as it might look a little funny if you happen to be on my blog while I'm making changes. Trying to amp it up but keeping it true to me. 

Thanks for checking it out., enjoy the rest of your Sunday :) 

Nadine xo

Monday, January 14, 2013


My Nella Bear 
enjoying the Alberta snow ;) 


Valentine's Day Card: Be My Valentine

Valentine's Day Card
'Be My Valentine?'


My organised mess

My Organised Mess!!
I need more working surface and an actual storage room LOL
Im taking over our dining room area.. sorry hubby! haha xox 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Card: Together Forever

Valentine's Day Card
'Together Forever'


Valentine's Day Card: Sweet Heart

Simple Valentine's Day Card
'Sweet Heart' 


Valentine's Day Card: Be Mine

Valentine's Day Card
'Be Mine'


Valentine's Day Card: Penguin Love

Valentine's Day Card
'Penguin Love'


Valentine's Day Card & Pocke: Made With Love

Valentine's Day Card
'Made with Love'


Heart Button Card

Heart Button Card 


Valentine's Day Card: Love Birds

Valentine's Day Card 
Love Birds


Tutorial : Embellish boring tags.

With a little patience, you can turn anything boring 
into something neat! Play around with it and be creative!

This is a ticket stub from K&Company valentines line. Its nice and plain so I decided to amp it up. 


I used Tim Holtz distress ink pads for this project. First I used the ink pad colour called Rusty Hinge and distressed the edges and with my finger sponge I dabed it onto the surface to give it a distressed look. I didn't think the edges were dark enough so I then used the colour ink pad called Walnut Stain and distressed only the edges to give it that nice dark aged look. I then used my Sparkle Pen and added some shimmer to the word Love. I also used a sparkle marker and lightly went over the pink frames, just enough to give it a little tiny bit of shine. Hard to see it in the picture.

I then added my new favorite art supply (haha).. Glossy Accents.. this gives it a nice thick layer of gloss and gives it a nice shine. There we have it, my end results.



Valentine's Day Card: Candy Stamps.

Valentine's Day Card: Using Stamps
Step by Step


Card Making Ideas Using Large Shimmery Ribbon.

Ribbon Ideas: Card Making

I had this really neat white shimmery ribbon for a while now.. I always meant to use it for my wedding album but I've yet attacked that yet so I decided to put it to good use and try and see what I can make with it. 


I decided to wrap it around coloured cardstock.. gives the plain old cardstock a whole new look!

Valentine's Day Card: Sweet hearts

Valentine's Day Card 
'sweet hearts'


Wedding Anniversary Card

Look what I got in the mail the other day!! I'm a lucky girl :) It's a wedding anniversary card we received in the mail from my mom in law. (She's a real crafty lady too). Purple was our wedding colour. Made my day!  8 days till our  One Year Anniversary! Time flies :) 

Thank you Karen! XOXO

My Shopping Spree at Michael's!

My shopping trip break down.. prices and yay or nay.  

I had a bad day on Friday... so what better way to cheer myself up by going to Michael's and spoiling myself a little... okay a lot haha.. Came home with all this!! Funny to say but it did make me feel ALOT better :) 

All the stamps were on for $1.50 each pretty awesome! The rest was pretty pricy but I needed alot of it for my projects. All things that can be very usefull.. I also had one of those 40% off one item coupon. (love those!) 

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Cricut Create Creations

Aren't these pinguins cute!!!!
I made these with my Cricut Create.


I am going to try and incorporate the Cricut Create a bit more in my card making.. 
but still giving simple ideas for the people who don't own one.


There she is! My beautiful Cricut Create all thanks to my mother in law!
 Thanks again ;) XOX


Pinwheel Cards

Pinwheel Cards
Style examples


Valentine's Day Inspired Pinwheel Card

Pinwheel Card Tutorial

Pinwheel Card
Step by Step 


Napkin Fold Card: Valentine Theme

Napkin Fold Card
Valentine's Day Theme


Napkin Fold Card: Flower Theme

I made this one while I was watching a movie with the hubby haha.
Once you get the hang of them, their so easy and quick to make..
and also looks like you've spent ALOT of time on them ;)


Napkin Fold Card: Winter Theme

Winter Themed 
Napkin Fold Card


Canvas Art '20x20': Phase 1

Last night I decided to do a little painting... This was my end result of layer one..
I still have alot of work to do.. Will post the end result when finished.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!


Nadine xo

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Happy Saturday Everyone!

I'll be making Valentine's Day cards this week and I am looking for some inspiration.
If you have any suggestions or ideas please feel free to share with me!
Hope your all enjoying your weekend!!!

Nadine xo