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Friday, March 21, 2014

night owl

I'm just about to lock myself in my craft room "aka.. my dining room table/area" at 10pm and might need to come out for air at some point in the wee hours.. it's when I do my best work.. so stay tuned tomorrow for what I came up with... I literally have 5 projects boiling in my head that I just wanna do all at once.. but their all big projects and ones I think everyone will like and feel like they can relate and create some of their own with events going on in their lives.. "birthdays, engagements, weddings, retirement, pregnancies, newborns.. list goes one". Soooo stay tunes and off I go.. OH Also I'm CRAVING anything chocolate and a big bag of Miss Vicky's Balsamic vinegar & sweet onion chips.. but have absolutely nothing that looks appetizing in my cupboards tonight.. boooo.. 

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