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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

My 4:00am creations..

See I am always hard at work!! :P 

Now I just need to start working hard on actually posting my creations!!! 

Here's a sneak peek at what I'll be finishing up tomorrow: 2 Christmas and 1 back to school "Gate Fold Card" with a twist!! Hihi. I'll also be using my cricut create (witch means alot of work) but so worth it. 

So stay tuned for the finished product! 

Don't mind the "organized" mess haha. I'm currently working on like 10 different projects at once! I've been full of ideas and inspiration lately that I can't keep up with myself so i just dive in and attack each project a little bit so that I make sure not to forget any ideas! I also have a craft book where I jot down all my ideas. Too many ideas right now sometimes not sure where to start! 

XO Nadine 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hey! Sorry for the delay in posting!!!

Hello everyone!

Sorry I have not been posting anything of my creations lately.
I've been so busy making original personal thank you cards for people who donated to our IVF fund that I haven't had time to sit at my computer and go threw all the pictures and make posts.
The minute I have a bit of free time (where I'm not working, sleeping or creating) I'll make sure to post as many as I can. I seriously have at least 10 posts waiting to be posted so just know I'm still kicking around!

Here is the link to our IVF fund if anyone is interested in helping us out! Every little bit counts! Plus you get a sweet personal homemade thank you card in the mail!

Thanks guys!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Flip Flap Scrapbook - youtube Video

I came upon this super neat video on youtube today.
I had never heard of the "flip flap" scrapbook before..
Such a great idea!! I'm just like her, I have soooo many pictures and 
never seem to scrapbook them because it would clutter... with these neat flaps
I could come up with some great layouts! 

Go check it out :) Her sample scrapbook is really well made.